The Board of the Arkansas Department of Labor & Licensing, HVACR Program consists of 9 members representing the various segments of the industry. They are appointed by the Governor. Each serves a 4 year term and may be reappointed one time at the Governor's discrection. It is the function of the Board to advise the Department of Labor and Licensing, HVACR Program as they provide direction for the program and oversight of the State Inspectors and staff. It is also the Board's responsibility to conduct hearings for those contractors that have failed to meet legal and code requirements. They review hearing documents and take testimony from inspectors and the contractor defendants. They determine guilt or innocence and approve fines for the infractions enumerated in the complaints. They also review and approve license applicatons. The Board reviews and approves the program budget and can make recommendations of program interest to the Governor's office and legislature. The positions may receive per diem, presently at the rate of $60 per meeting, and mileage. Members sacrifice much of their day to attend the meetings. It is labor of love and commitment to the industry and homeowners and business who need the comfort and refrigeration services provided by the HVACR industry.
Board Members
Member Representative |
Member Name |
Position |
Class A License |
Alan Dean |
Chairman |
Class A License |
Steven Watts |
Class B License |
Connie Creed |
Class B License |
Mark Constant |
Mechanical Contractor's Association |
William Simpson |
Vice-Chair |
Mechanical Engineer |
Terry Jacks |
Inspection Program |
Cecil Corning |
Consumer Representative |
David Whisel |
Secretary Designate |
Lindsay Moore |